Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pantolo Pamarassan

As you probably know, the archipelago of Indonesia consists of different cultures, languages and of course food. I have never been to the big island that lies on the east of Indonesia - Sulawesi - before, but luckily for spoiled people of Jakarta, we can learn and get familiar with the food on the other side of the country through traditional restaurants scattered all over the city.

Last December, one of my best friends, Mrs S went home to Indonesia. And i asked her to bring me Primarasa recipes books. I am a big fan of their recipes, they are fail proof big time ! Am i not lucky to have a friend like her, because she brought me 5 books instead of 1. And from these books i learn many new dishes from other part of Indonesia. Je suis comblée !

So i start with this one, which i had hard times spelling : Pantolo Pamarassan (I do not know from what part exactly in Sulawesi it comes).... and as you can probably guess, i have never tasted this dish before, so i would not know if the taste is correct.

Thanks to another friend, Miss N who also went home to celebrate Christmas, and brought me back some Keluweks (pangium edule), so i can use them right away.

I modified the original recipe written from the book, i omitted the bird eyes chilies used in whole, sprinkled in the sauce, i used ground chillies instead... I also used cabilaud filet for the fish. So here it is.


  • 400 gr cabilaud fish filet
  • 2 keluwek (take the flesh part, soak in hot water, drain and grind)
  • 3 tbs of cooking oil
  • 2 coarse galanga,
  • 500 ml water

Ground the following spices :
  • 4 shallot
  • 2 garlic
  • 1cm of ginger
  • 1 tsp salt
  • chillies

Directions :

  1. Heat oven for 210°C and grill the fish until cooked. Set Aside.
  2. Make the sauce : Mingle the ground spices with keluwek.
  3. Heat the oil in a pan, saute the spices and galanga. Add the chillies. Add water, and cook until the sauce is thick.
  4. Serve by pouring the sauce over the grilled fish.

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

  • 400gr filet ikan putih (saya pakai cabilaud, atau ikan Cod)
  • 2 keluwek (ambil dagingnya, rendam dalam air panas, keringkan dan giling)
  • 3 sendok makan minyak
  • 2 lengkuas geprek
  • 500 ml air

Bumbu halus:

  • 4 bawang merah
  • 2 bawang putih
  • 1 cm jahe
  • 1 sdt garam
  • Cabai


  1. Panaskan oven 210°C dan panggang ikan sampai masak. Sisihkan;
  2. Buatlah kuahnya: campur bumbu halus dan keluek
  3. Panaskan minyak di penggorengan, oseng bumbu dan galangga, tambahkan cabai. Tambahkan air, masak hingga kuah kental.
  4. Hidangkan dengan cara mengguyur ikan dengan kuahnya. 