Friday, September 8, 2017

Green Papaya Salad, Laos Version/ Salad Pepaya Muda khas Laos

I looove this salade, as much as i love Indonesian asinan (veggies/fruit condiment) or rujak (fruit salad). I prefer the laos version over its neighbours, as i feel it has more 'body'. This is my own version with the ingredients that i could find in my pantry.


Crab Paste
  • 3 cups of frozen green papaya (store bought, you can of course find it fresh, you will just have to slice it yourself using julienne peeler)
  • 2 carrots julienne sliced
  • 1 tomato, cut in wedges
  • Juice of 1 green lemon


  • 1 tsp Crab Paste (you can use shrimp paste just to replace it)
  • 3 tbs tamarind juice 
  • 1 tbs palm sugar
  • Chilies
  • 1 garlic
  • Fish Sauce (i only use 1 tsp to add more taste)


  1. Mix the green papaya, carrots, tomatoes and lemon juice
  2. Mix and grind the sauce ingredients,
  3. Pour the sauce over salad. Mix well.
  4. Serve
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan 1:

  • 3 cup pepaya muda diiris julien
  • 2 wortel diiris julien
  • 1 buah tomat, dibelah 4
  • Jus dari 1 buah jeruk nipis

Bahan 2:

  • 1 sdt pasta kepiting, atau bisa diganti terasi.
  • 3 sdm air asam jawa
  • 1 sdm gula palem
  • Cabai 
  • 1 bawang putih
  • Saos ikan (saya hanya menggunakan seperlunya saja untuk rasa)


  1. Campur bahan 1
  2. Campur bahan 2 dan ulek.
  3. Campur bahan 2 ke dalam bahan 1 dengan baik.
  4. Hidangkan.